2,000 players were tested for illegal drugs during training camp this past offseason. 11 "unlucky" players were dumb enough to get caught. Of those 11 players, only 2 were dumb enough to get caught AGAIN. Naturally, both of those players are Redskins. Because of a technicality from the lockout, these players will only receive a 4 game suspension, rather than the usual full season.
Fred Davis and Trent Williams. You could make the argument that they are the two best young players on the offensive side of the ball. You could also make the argument that they are the two least intelligent players in the entire National Football League. When I first heard this story, the beaten down Skins fan in me thought, no big deal, we're not making the playoffs anyway. Reading more and more about it, I decided, this is absolutely unacceptable. We are a team trying to rebuild. The word rebuild is thrown out there a lot in this town, and it's most widely interpreted connotation is related to what happens on the field. Well, unfortunately for this town, we have as many problems off the field or court, as we do on them. So the term "rebuild" applies to what happens on gameday, and the 6 other days where these players have the free will to be where they want and do what they want. As far as marijuana is concerned, I don't find it to be a big deal. To me, it's much like alcohol. Some people can handle it, some can't. If you can't, you should probably stay away from it. When you fail three drug tests in the NFL, you can't handle it. When you are the only 2 players out of 2,000 initial failures to receive discipline, then you just flat out don't care.

This blog will be the last time I reference this situation. To me, the players that are actually able to wear a Redskin's jersey this weekend deserve my attention. Trent Williams and Fred Davis aren't even allowed in the stadium.
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